
Hello. It such a long time no update post in my blog. Because I don't have much time to connect to cyber. As I told you, High School life change everything, include my life style.

So, I just have 2 weeks to spend for having leisure after the semester test. About my report book, actually the marks on it are quite good, but for me, it hasn't yet. I think my report book supposed to have better marks, besides I feel I haven't studied hard to face the final test.

On those 2 weeks, I spend for doing free and relaxing activities in my home, watched rent movie dvds, had vacation to Jakarta, have meeting in school (it's informal meeting, it's about PSIKOPAD!), and went to Glagah beach with my friends. I should thank God because this holiday I can spend my times for more useful and refreshing things.

Sometimes, I feel like I would never have an exciting holiday, because my parents always work from morn 'till afternoon, everyday even in my holiday. I always have much boring time during my holiday. I just spend it for watch TV all day long or sleep or tidy my own room. And moreover, if I want to go somewhere, I have to go by bus. My parents are forbid me to go anywhere by motorcycle. They said I haven't been mature enough to ride it. For me, it is really bothering.

But, this holiday is much better than many holidays before. As I wrote above, I should Thank God for it. Though I still feel like I haven't felt the real atmosphere of holiday, but at least I can have vacation with my parents to Jakarta. It's more worthy than anything.

Finally, I wish I can spend the night of new years eve with my family or fiends maybe. With a lot of funny and memorable things.